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Somos BlackØwl, una Banda Española de rock and roll formada en Barcelona en el año 2018 por Jesús Montero(Guitarra Rítmica), Fran Navarro(Guitarra Principal), Dani Martos(Voz), Dani Calderón(Batería) y Víctor Ortiz(Bajo).

Después de años trabajando en proyectos anteriores, tocar en conciertos por toda España hemos decidido unir fuerzas para escribir nuestras propias canciones.

From classic rock to blues including southern rock reminiscenses, raw and direct sound, hard riffs and forceful vocals strongly influenced by hard rock bands like AC/DC and Airbourne, few months ago we released our debut EP ‘Long Road Ghosts’ (2020) and now our first LP ‘Fly Away’ (2021) is ready being available in all digital platforms. One of the most important rock magazines in Spain, La Heavy,  reviewed ‘Fly Away’ recently with maximum score and we also appears in the first number of Power Magazine.

Nuestro primer LP está teniendo una gran acogida en todo el mundo, apareciendo en diferentes radios independientes y podcasts de todos los continentes. Hemos lanzado varios videos de nuestros directos y participado hasta en 2 ocasiones en uno de los festivales más importantes, el Rock Fest Barcelona.

From 2022 to 2023 five new singles were released by the band, The Heist (2022), Dark Side of Rock ‘n’ Roll (2022), About an Angel (2023), Tear the Walls Down (2023), Rolling for you (2023). In 2024 Franz “Jof” Quispe  joins BlackØwl as lead singer and the band is currently working on their upcoming album. At the end of 2024, Cesco Piaggio joins as drummer bringing us his groove and style to the band.


